array (
1 =>
array (
'pricing_title' => 'Recording Time',
'pricing_currency' => 'usd',
'pricing_amount' => '75',
'pricing_type' => 'variable',
'pum' => 'Minute',
'pum_min' => '0.5',
'pum_max' => '',
'sum' => 'Instrument',
'sum_min' => '1',
'sum_max' => '',
'pricing_description' => 'Keep it tight with a sax accompaniment, pair up some horns for double trouble or go all out with a screamin\' brass section! Order what you need and we\'ll take care of you. Simple riffs included. Polyphonic textures and arrangement can be ordered as an extra.',
array (
1 =>
array (
'pricing_title' => 'Recording',
'pricing_currency' => 'usd',
'pricing_amount' => '75',
'pricing_type' => 'variable',
'pum' => 'Minute',
'pum_min' => '0.5',
'pum_max' => '',
'sum' => '',
'sum_min' => '',
'sum_max' => '',
'pricing_description' => 'Whether you need just a saxophone solo or a collection of woodwind parts, the per minute of recorded music will allow you to maximize and diversify your order to meet your needs. Send a written part, audio file, MIDI or voice recording of the parts needed.
Artist reserves the right to interpretation based on expertise.
If you need parts composed, arranged or a solo with specific direction, please select the Compose or Arrange extra.',
array (
1 =>
array (
'pricing_title' => 'Recording Time',
'pricing_currency' => 'usd',
'pricing_amount' => '75',
'pricing_type' => 'variable',
'pum' => 'Minute',
'pum_min' => '0.5',
'pum_max' => '',
'sum' => '',
'sum_min' => '',
'sum_max' => '',
'pricing_description' => 'Mix and match instruments with total recording length to meet your needs.',